Wednesday, July 22, 2015

FREE Women's Hair Loss Seminar

                    Special Women's Hair Loss Seminar
                Meet Kayla Martell, 2010 Miss Delaware
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Trinity Lace Wigs & Unisex Salon
7400 Blanco Road (2nd floor conference room)
San Antonio, TX 78216
Hosted by:
Trinity Hair Solutions LLC; San Antonio, TX 78216

                                            SPACE IS LIMITED. 
                                   MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW.
                                                                   DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS AMAZING OPPORTUNITY.
Kayla Martell will be in San Antonio, Texas to personally help kick off her national tour of Women’s Hair Loss Seminars with free advice and private counsel for women experiencing medical hair loss.
On Tuesday, September 15 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Kayla Martell will be available with Stephanie Anderson, the Trichologist of Trinity Lace Wigs & Unisex Salon in San Antonio to host the new and informative Women’s Hair Loss Seminar.
This exclusive San Antonio event will be held at
Trinity Lace Wigs & Unisex Salon
7400 Blanco Road, Suite 111
San Antonio, TX 78216
      Those attending this free Women’s Hair Loss Seminar will learn
      • About the science of hair
      • Hair loss and it's emotional toll on women
      • How to tell if hair loss is temporary or permanent
      • And most importantly - the solutions available for women
      Stephanie Anderson states that “The realization of thinning hair or any level of hair loss can be devastating to a woman.  We want you to know that no matter what your level of hair loss, there is a solution. You can have your hair back, naturally and beautifully!” 
      Whether your hair loss is temporary or permanent, you owe it to yourself to be informed about your potential options and solutions. Today, there is someone ready to help you!
      Make Your Reservation Now
      Call (210) 858-8554
      " Countless women face hair loss challenges and feel there is nowhere to turn and they are constantly reminded of their thinning hair and/or hair loss. Over 30 million women suffer from hair loss, and I want to talk about it."   - Stephanie Anderson

      Monday, July 6, 2015

      Hair Loss Prevention & Women

      Is Hair Loss Preventable?

      Hair loss prevention may be an option. Though not all causes of hair loss are preventable, many can be with simple, proven methods. Your first step should always be to talk to your doctor and your hair specialist as they have some of the best tools and methods available to help you to overcome the loss and potentially help you to prevent further hair loss. However, for any type of hair loss prevention method to work, you need to work consistently at it. It is not always easy to get back your hair once it is lost. Taking action now can help to reduce the total amount of hair you lose in the long term.

      Causes of Hair Loss

      Unfortunately, for many people, the hardest thing to hear is that hair loss is often genetic. That is, conditions like male pattern baldness occur because your body is programmed to be sensitive to hormones that cause hair loss. That is not to say that you cannot avoid this type of hair loss, though. In fact, even for those dealing with genetic causes, hair loss prevention is an option when hormone production inhibitors are used to fend off the battle.
      Often, in other cases, the problems are far more controllable. You may find that stress, diet, and other hormone-related health issues are the leading cause of your hair loss. Therefore, if you can identify these types of losses, you can turn things around and reduce the amount of hair loss you have. If you can identify the underlying cause of your hair loss, take steps to correct the problem.

      Helpful Hints for Increasing Health to Reduce Hair Loss

      Many people find the best way to prevent hair loss is actually to eat right, exercise, and do all of those things your doctor always tells you to do. Loss prevention starts with improving hormone balance in your body. When your hormones are not working properly, they cause your body's organs and cells to work in different ways. In some cases, you can lose your hair simply because your hormones are not balanced. Food and other steps can help to balance your hormones, reducing hair loss risk. Consider these hints.
      ·        Improve the amount of omega 3 fatty acids you are consuming. You can get them from healthy fats as well as fish. These nutrients, especially for men, are excellent for helping to prevent hair loss. In some studies, taking omega 3 fatty acids and increasing Vitamin D led to reduced hair loss in patients undergoing chemotherapy.
      ·        Take a Vitamin B supplement, too. You can get it from natural sources, but even if you get it from a pill, you need it. Many people have very low Vitamin B levels and that can trigger hair loss.
      ·        Have your iron levels checked. Iron deficiency is a common cause of hair loss in women, but it can occur in men as well. You'll want to improve iron levels naturally whenever possible. Eat foods such as spinach and lean proteins. Quinoa and tofu, for those who are vegetarians, can provide the iron you need.
      In terms of food options, those are the best options for preventing hair loss. Yet, that does not tackle all of the underlying causes of hair loss in men and women.

      Stress is Harmful

      Stress, no matter if it is physical from trauma, chemical from chemotherapy, or emotional from depression or anxiety, is a harsh factor of life. In all forms of stress, it triggers stress hormone releases into the body. These work directly opposite of the way your body works naturally.
      Since most people have stress on an ongoing basis, such as from work or financial concerns, they often struggle with hormone imbalances that this causes. Those hormone imbalances directly link to hair loss for many people. Conditions like alopecia, for instance, have sometimes been linked to hair loss in both men and women. Even children can be negatively impacted by it. Reducing stress, and keeping it low, is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of hair loss.
      Can you prevent all hair loss? The answer to that is likely no. However, if you take steps now to talk to your doctor, hair professional, and even your nutritionist, you may be able to reduce some of the factors that could play a role in how much hair loss you have.