Introducing What Business SIB Members Are In...
We want to start introducing you to the members of Sistas in Business, just to let you know what they do as business owners. You often read about what we do as an organization, so we wanted to start letting you know what our members do outside of SIB. This week we will briefly profile two of our treaured members, Mona Echard and Stepanie Anderson. Both Mona and Stephanie are licensed cosmetologists and both aspire to help improve and empower the lives of women!Mona Echard
Founder and Managing Director of Fresh Start Salon Ministries Inc. CEO of MoEc Cosmetology Concepts, DBA MoEc Empowerment Concepts. Specializing in: Beauty, Health and Wellness. or 210-807-1329
Will be speaking at Greater Mount Zion 1st Baptist Church's Singles Ministry on "The Art of Being Single....Acceptance", on Sunday April 25, 2010 at 12:30p.m. The primary topic of discussion will be about what the Bible says about being single.
Ist Baptist is located at 333 Martin Luther King Drive, San Antonio Texas 78203
Stephanie Anderson
Stephanie Anderson, Healthy Hair Stylist/ Hair Replacement Specialist at Trinity Lace Wigs. She has over 20 years experience in providing high-quality services and customer satisfaction.
For more information visit:
Trinity Lace Wigs
Grand Opening
Saturday, May 1, 2010
(inside) Anointed Beauty Salon
2379 NE Loop 410 Suite 100 (2nd floor)
San Antonio, TX 78217
Open House
Friday, April 30, 2010
6:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Sistas in Business
Sistas in Business is a powerful business resource for African American women through networking and training coast to coast. We are dedicated to educating, training and promoting business owners affiliated with our organization. To become a member of Sistas in Business, send us an inquiry at and a representative from our organization will contact. Learn about our new member promotion today!